
  • Volunteers participating in group service projects must be at least 9 years of age.
  • Groups with youth volunteers ages 15 and under must have at least 1 adult for every 5 youth participants.
  • Participants (or if under age 18 a parent or legal guardian) must sign all required documents prior to or on service project date.
  • Groups cannot exceed 15 participants at one time. If your group is larger, the Volunteer Manager may ask you to come on different visits to the Tulsa SPCA
  • Please apply by email to


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What kind of projects do volunteer groups do at the shelter?
There are many different projects that groups help us complete, and the chosen project depends largely on the time of year and current needs of the shelter. Some typical projects include dog washing/bathing, painting and/or facility maintenance projects, cleaning/organizing projects, equipment maintenance projects such as washing the TSPCA Mobile Adoption Center, and outdoor maintenance such as planting, weeding, and vine pulling. The Volunteer Manager will inform the group contact of the chosen project 2 weeks prior to volunteer date.

Q: Can we do an outside event, like a fundraiser?
Absolutely! Many volunteer groups choose to hold a donation drive instead of completing a physical project. If this is the case, the Volunteer Manager will provide you with the shelter’s wish list and set up a drop-off date. At the drop-off date, we will get a photo of the group and donations and provide a tour of the facility.

Q: I already had a particular project in mind. Can I do that?
We do our best to accommodate new ideas. In fact, we get some of the best ideas from our volunteers! Just be sure to note in the “Other Comments” section of the application what you have in mind and the Volunteer Manager will discuss the particulars with your group contact.

Q: What do volunteers need to bring with them?
Volunteers must sign the required documents and bring them on the date of service. Generally, the shelter will have all the supplies needed for any group project. If there is a special need for a certain project, the group contact will be informed by the Volunteer Manager.

Q: What should group participants wear?
If your group/company/school has matching shirts or uniforms that identify them we ask that you wear them on the date of service. If not, the shelter will provide vests for all participants to identify them as volunteers. Volunteers should not wear clothing that they would not want to get dirty/wet. Closed-toed shoes are required and no holes in clothing are allowed.